Purchaser has the sole responsibility to determine whether the products comply with applicable codes and is appropriate for intended use. The manufacturer’s warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other representations or obligations including liability for direct, punitive, incidental or consequential damages.
*All warranties are from our extruders and manufacturers, not Vinyl Concepts.
*Metal inserts in all fence and railing products are not warrantied.
*Vinyl fence and railing gates are only warrantied on extrusions (see below warranties)
Vinyl Fencing and Railing (including post sleeves)- https://www.nvpfence.com/ (choose warranty at top of page)
Ideal Aluminum Fencing- http://ideal-ap.com/warranty/
Gorilla G3 Decking- http://homelandvinyl.com/assets/2020/04/2020-Deck-POP-C1143-RevB-Warranty-20-072-WEB.pdf
Manchester, Auburn, Eastport and New Haven Vinyl Railing- http://homelandvinyl.com/assets/2020/04/2020-FenceRailWarranty-FabGuideline-WEB.pdf
Alumi-Guard Aluminum Fencing- https://www.alumi-guard.com/resources-warranty/
If an item is missing from above please contact Vinyl Concepts Inc. for available warranty information.